BuddyPress Album Author Template Tags

So you’ve set up a BuddyPress Album+ loop to place BuddyPress Album+ images anywhere on your site. You’re using the built-in template tags to display the images, along with some information about each one. These built-in template tags are great for most purposes, but if you want to display information about the image author, you were previously out of luck.

To fill that void, I’ve written a couple of basic template tags which retrieve information about the author of the current image in the loop. Just add these template tags to the functions.php file in your theme directory, and you will be able to use them right away.

The function bp_album_get_author_userdata() retrieves all of the author information and returns it as an object. See the function reference for get_userdata() for more information about how to use this object.

The second function, bp_album_get_the_author(), works similarly to get_the_author(). It simply returns the display name of the author of the current image in the loop.